February 2009

Monsieur Le Bun from Super Cute Kawaii

Monsieur Le Bun from Super Cute Kawaii

Ooh la la! I was asked by the tres sexy Monsieur Le Bun from Super Cute Kawaii to choose 5 kawaii items, a task which I took very seriously! Head over there to see my pick of the bunch.

Flower card made with felt hearts.

Flower card made with felt hearts.

Here’s a sneak preview of the new cards I am making which will soon be available in my Etsy shop, once my shipment of fancy deckle-edged card blanks arrives. I used felt hearts to make the flower and sewed them onto the card. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would and looks so cute!

Inside of the card showing the stitching

Inside of the card showing the stitching


Sag - cutest optical measurement ever!

And here is the finished item – a sag! I got the idea from a tricky mathematical thing we were struggling with at college, joking about what we would do with a sag if we ever got our hands on one. So I decided to make myself a sag pincushion to keep my pins & needles safe whilst revenging myself on sags!

Sag from behind showing fluffy tail

Sag from behind showing fluffy tail

I did a bit of a doodle of what one would look like (saggy ears, confused expression as sags are very confusing) and came up with this. I am pretty pleased with it but the ears are not quite right and I have some ideas for improvements so will attempt v.2 soon.

"Ow! It hurts!"

"Ow! It hurts!"

Sadly it is too cute to hate so I’m hoping it will help me to learn to love sags!